Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day
Welcome Mural created collaboratively by all sixth grade students. |
A warm thank you to all grandparents and special friends who joined us on Wednesday. It was a privilege to meet so many new people and share the morning. We learned a little about each other as we created Random Autobiography poems together. The poems explored deeper understandings of ourselves and provided an opportunity to draft, revise, edit, and publish a piece of writing in only twenty minutes! Here is the template of the Random Autobiography:
Random Autobiography
Favorite number, color, astrological sign
I am told (memory)…
I love…
I held…
I have seen…
I lost…
I hear…
I used to…
I’ve learned …
Personal symbol
Looks like…
Seven, green, Cancer
I am told I crawled backwards.
I love Coca-Cola and Candy Raisins
I held my father’s hand.
I have seen childbirth.
I lost my grandparents.
I hear what I want to.
I used to have time.
I’ve learned to follow my heart.
Bass clef on a musical staff.